Dreams are an interesting subject to explore. They have been studied for centuries, and there is still so much more to learn about this phenomenon. Today, books on dreams can cover everything from the science behind them all the way up to interpretation methods that people have developed over time.
This article will focus on books about dreaming in general–what they are, what they mean, and how you can understand them better with some help from books like The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud or books written specifically on dream interpretations such as The Dreamer’s Dictionary by Robinson and Corbett
Now, if you want to see my complete rationale for all of these books, check out the following:
1. A Very Short Introduction to Dreaming by J. Allan Hobson
- Hobson, J. Allan (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 176 Pages - 06/04/2011 (Publication Date) - Oxford University Press (Publisher)
This book is, as you might expect, is a short introduction to the world of dreams and dreaming.
it’s also a more modern text, so you don’t have to worry about old-fashioned ideas or anything like that. And it’s a great overview of dream science that doesn’t get to woo woo like a lot of other books out there.
I like this text because it was one of the first that I read when I started to learn about dreaming and became interested in interpreting my own dreams. It really helped me to understand the basics of how it all works, and to see why my own dreams might actually matter in understanding my psychology.
I recommended for anyone interested in getting their start in the world of dream theory.
2. The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Freud, Sigmund (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 111 Pages - 04/13/2020 (Publication Date) - Medina Univ Pr Intl (Publisher)
Of course, we have to cover one of the most influential books in the history of dream theory, and that is The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud. Now, for a modern understanding of dream theory, this is not a book that I would necessarily recommend.
But it does have a very important place in the history of the studies of dreams. No one can deny that the theories put forth by Freud really influence the direction of psychology, and opened up a few ideas that eventually led to the science we know today, even if the science of the time was a little off.
I recommended this for anyone interested in the historical roots of dream theory and how it has evolved over time.
3. The Dream and the Underworld by James Hillman
- Hillman, James (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 243 Pages - 07/25/1979 (Publication Date) - Harper & Row (Publisher)
Another book that covers the historical roots of dreams and dream interpretation is The Dream and the Underworld by James Hillman.
This books does a great job of tying together various interpretations across time, from ancient Greece to modern times. And it really helps you see how different authors throughout history have approached dreams in their own unique ways.
I recommend this for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of what cultural influences can do to change our approach to interpreting dreams over time, as well as those interested in studying some more esoteric texts on dream theory from around the world.
4. The Dreamer’s Dictionary by Robinson and Corbett
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Robinson, Stearn (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 388 Pages - 08/03/2021 (Publication Date) - Grand Central Publishing (Publisher)
The title of this book explains it all. This dream dictionary is essentially a handbook for dreaming and dreams. It includes over 3000 interpretations of different dream symbols, categorized by topic.
This book is great for anyone who wants to start interpreting their own dreams, because it gives you a really solid foundation to start with. It also helps you develop your own personal symbol dictionary that you can draw from each time you want to interpret a dream.
5. Lucid Dreaming by Robert Waggoner
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Waggoner, Robert (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 305 Pages - 10/01/2008 (Publication Date) - Moment Point Press (Publisher)
Lucid dreaming is the phenomenon of being aware that you are dreaming, and then being able to control the course of the dream.
This book is written by an expert on lucid dreaming, Robert Waggoner, and it covers everything from how to achieve lucidity in your dreams, to how to use lucid dreaming for personal growth.
I recommend this book for anyone who wants to learn more about controlling their own dreams and using them for personal development.
6. Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth by Robert A. Johnson
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Johnson, Robert A. (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 242 Pages - 10/14/2009 (Publication Date) - HarperOne (Publisher)
Inner Work is a great book about how you can use your dreams for personal growth, and it’s been highly influential in the work of modern dream interpretation.
This books dives into Jungian psychology to look at different archetypes that might appear within our dreams, which helps us understand certain things about our inner self on a deeper level.
I recommend this books for anyone who wants to learn more about using their own dreams as a tool for self-growth and development. It’s very useful when used alongside other books on dream interpretation as well!
7. Learn to Lucid Dream by Kristen LaMarca
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This books is a guidebook on how to achieve lucidity in your dreams and use it to your advantage.
It has everything you need to get started with dream interpretation, such as the basics of how lucid dreaming works, step-by-step guides for achieving lucidity, techniques for controlling the course of your dreams once you’re aware that you’re dreaming, and advice on using lucid dreaming to improve different parts of life like relationships or career goals.
I recommend this book if anyone wants their own practical handbook on becoming a lucid dreamer and learning more about what it means.
8. A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming by Tucillo, Zeizel, and Peisel
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Tuccillo, Dylan (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 250 Pages - 02/28/2017 (Publication Date) - Workman Publishing Company (Publisher)
This books is a little different from most of the others on this list, because it takes a more scientific approach to lucid dreaming.
It’s written by three experts in the field of lucid dreaming research, and it covers everything from how to study your own dreams scientifically, to how to use specific techniques to enhance your lucidity while dreaming.
I recommend this for anyone who wants a more scientific look at advanced lucid dreaming and all that it encompasses. It can be especially useful for those interested in doing their own research on the subject.
9. The Dream Interpretation Handbook by Karen Frazier
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This books is a great resource for those who want to learn more about how they can use their dreams as tools for personal growth and development.
It covers everything from beginner’s guides on How To Keep A Dream Journal, tips and techniques for remembering your own dreams, advice on working with recurring dream themes or nightmares, and even some practical exercises you can try out in order to help you interpret your own dreams.
I recommend this books if anyone wants to take an active approach towards interpreting their own dreams; it really helps guide readers through the process step-by-step!
10. The Wisdom of Your Dreams by Jeremy Taylor
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Taylor, Jeremy (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 354 Pages - 09/23/2009 (Publication Date) - TarcherPerigee (Publisher)
The Wisdom of Your Dreams by Jeremy Taylor is a book about the symbolism and meaning of dreams. The author provides an in-depth analysis of different dream themes, such as fear, love, and death.
I recommend this books for anyone who wants to learn more about dream interpretation and how it can be used in their own life. This books dives into the symbolism of dreams, which is a great resource when learning how to interpret your own personal dreams!
11. Our Dreaming Mind by Robert L. Van De Castle
- CASTLE, Robert L. Van De (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 01/21/1995 (Publication Date) - Ballantine (Publisher)
Our Dreaming Mind is a great books on dreams, and it’s written by the expert in dream research Robert L. Van De Castle!
It covers everything from what happens during different stages of sleep that are crucial to getting quality rest, all the way through to how you can use your own dreams for self-growth.
I also like this one because it covers the history of dreaming, and the influence that it has on art, psychology, religion, and our culture. For sure, you will likely step away with this book with a greater appreciation of dreaming in general.
12. The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious by C.G. Jung
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Jung, C. G. (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 496 Pages - 03/01/2014 (Publication Date) - Princeton University Press (Publisher)
This books is a classic because it was written by C.G. Jung, who is known as the founder of analytical psychology.
In this books he discusses his theory on the collective unconscious and how it manifests in dreams. He also talks about different archetypes that can be found in dreams, such as the mother, child, hero, etc.
I recommend this books for anyone who wants to explore dream symbolism a little further and learn about some of the deeper psychological aspects that Dreams can reveal about ourselves!
13. Man and His Symbols by C.G. Jung
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Jung, Carl Gustav (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 510 Pages - 02/01/2012 (Publication Date) - Dell (Publisher)
Lastly, I recommend this books for anyone who is interested in C.G Jung’s work and theories on dreams!
In it he discusses how Dreams can be a gateway into exploring our hidden selves, as well as the symbolism that exists within them which reveals deeper meanings of ourselves.
This was essentially Carl Jung’s magnum opus, his greatest achievement, as he tries to really understand the history of mankind’s symbolism. It really is a classic, and one that everyone should read.
The Bottom Line
I hope you found this information interesting. While dreaming isn’t necessarily a subject that everyone must know about, it is one of those interesting things that can really give you direct insight into your own mind.
I found that it makes me super insightful, and even if it’s a bunch of hogwash, I have found some personal reflection opportunities that have really been good for me.
I hope that these books will help you find the same thing. Enjoy!