For authors / Kindle Unlimited Review: Is It Really Worth It?

Kindle Unlimited Review: Is It Really Worth It?

Jul 14, 2019 | 0 comments

Before we get into this Kindle Unlimited review, let’s talk about books for a second.

If you’re anything like me, you could get lost in a library for hours. (Or days. Maybe even weeks.)

As a matter of fact the biggest problem I have with libraries is that there aren’t enough hours in the day to properly dedicate to being in them.


But what if you could bring the library to you? Surely, that would solve the issue of lack of library. However, I don’t think that my apartment is big enough to allow every book to visit.

Well, my apartment might be, but not my computing devices. And this is because of the power of the internet. The modern world has made information and books easily available. With just a few flashes of my fingertips, I can have some of the greatest works in history right in front of me. And that’s just amazing.

Which is where Kindle Unlimited comes in. Kindle Unlimited is one of the greatest libraries available online.


That’s not really up for debate. But is it really worth the subscription? Or are there more cons with KU than Riker’s Island? That’s what we’re here to figure out. So without further ado, let’s get to it!

What is Kindle Unlimited?

Here’s the down and dirty on Kindle Unlimited. It’s a massive online library with over ONE MILLION books for you to check out and read. This includes all sorts of neat books. From classics to independent authors, there’s something on here for everyone. Heck, they even carry many popular magazines as well making those light reads wonderfully accessible.

And even better yet, you don’t even need an actual Kindle device to view them. Although, I do recommend a few such as the Kindle Paperwhite or Oasis. Amazon allows you to get Kindle Unlimited on just about every single device you can think of. If there’s an app store available for your platform… There’s probably an app for that.

Pros and Cons of Kindle Unlimited

Now let’s get down with the pros and cons. Just as every story has two sides, there’s some good and bad that goes along with KU. And no Kindle Unlimited review would be complete without them. So let’s talk about it.

The Good

  • Unlimited reads per month: Just as its name suggests, KU is unlimited. You can literally check out every single book available in the library if you had the time. There is one catch though. You can only have 10 at a time. But just to be real… Who actually reads 10 books at one time? Seriously.
  • Indies Available: Call me crazy, but I have a great soft spot for independent authors. Especially when it comes to children’s books. So if any of you out there looking to be the next great kids’ author, check out this quiz from one of my favorites–the great Eevi Jones– and send me a copy of your drafts. But I digress. Kindle Unlimited has all those great indie selections you won’t find anywhere else!
  • Free Audiobooks: Now, I’m not saying every book on there has a free audiobook available, but there are quite a few. So, if you’re into audible books… Kindle Unlimited could be a cheaper alternative to Audible. But if you are looking for nothing but audiobooks, Audible is definitely your best option.

The Bad

  • New releases: New releases aren’t as readily available as you would hope. Sometimes it actually take a while for them to come out so… If you’re keeping up with the latest trends this may not be right for you.

The Ugly

  • Lack of the Big 5: Kindle Unlimited tends to lack publications from the Big 5 Publishing Houses–Simon and Schuster, Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Macmillan, and Hachette. Fans of major mainstream authors may find it very difficult to read those of their favorites.

How much does Kindle Unlimited Cost?

Well you may be thinking, “OK, I’m game… But what’s the cost?”

In all reality, Kindle Unlimited isn’t too cost intensive. Especially if you read like I do. It’s a monthly subscription service that costs $9.99 per. Honestly, that’s pretty legit. That’s essentially 2 books a month–which is a relatively average pace. For us with that book hunger…. $9.99 is a heck of a bargain!

Kindle Unlimited Review: The Bottom Line

If I had to give my honest opinion, Kindle Unlimited is freaking awesome. Sure, I won’t get the most popular books right away from here. But I don’t mind paying a bit extra to support my favorite author. And with unlimited indie authors for just under ten bucks… It really doesn’t get better than that.

Now if you’re still on the edge, there’s another option. Amazon Prime Reading.

Check out my versus review of the two for more info.

Do you use Kindle Unlimited? If so, let me know in the comments below.



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